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Sometime last week Joshua and I (Bethany) were working through a chapter in Science, we are slowly plugging away at finishing up school. This day there was an experiment/activity, the chapter has been on erosion and we were to gather about a cup of sand and about a cup of potting soil. We gathered those things as well as the other needed items. We set up a long pan fitted with three rows of foil. We were to put a portion of straight sand in one, a mix of sand and soil in the middle one, and straight soil in the last. Then he was to gently pour a certain amount of water into each pile, while the pan was propped at an angle. The purpose was to observe the erosion in each section. What do you supposed happened to each section? Do you remember the children’s song about building your house on the sand vs the rock? We were right away taken back by how easily the sand just slide away with the water, the mix of the two withstood a bit better, but then the straight soil stood up better. The particles within the soil made it hold up to the water better. Imagine that?

A few days later I was running, and this song came on - A firm Foundation by Nashville Life Music - came on. “I will not be moved, for my feet are planted in You,” “Holding me steady, if it floods I’m going to be ready. I’m sealed in You.” “A firm foundation, my God you are.” Those are just some of the lines, please forgive me if I copied them incorrectly, listen to the link! As I listened, my heart just agreed with those words so much. I thought back to the children’s song, based on scripture, and the science experiment, based on fact and evidence. I was struck with how thankful I am that God, in His kindness, gave us frail and feeble humans practical applications to help things sink in better. Visual evidence as backing for the importance of setting our hearts on truth. Truth that if our lives don’t have some kind of grit and stone, some hardship, we are easily washed away. Trouble actually brings strength.

Then came Friday night, when this random (to us) fever popped up in Joshua. Observation told us we needed to act on it. Experience from the docs said, bring him in. Tests….still show no reason for it! Plans are always changing, chaos is all around us, but we are steadily trusting in our Firm Foundation, our Solid Rock. At some point over the weekend a friend said she was praying for us, that I must be so anxious. I could honestly tell her, that because of so much prayer going up around us, my heart was settled. My mind sometimes tries to jump out of line, but then graciously the Lord will send a verse from someone else or from the Holy Spirit directly to bring comfort. We don’t know His plan. We don’t have to. Isn’t that what I tell my boys all the time? I must chose to believe it myself!

Thank you to so many who have continued to faithfully pray for all of us. I love the way the Lord directs his children in different ways. I know of at least one, probably more, who are specifically lifting up Caleb’s heart and mind through this. Thank you! This morning, after a stormy (literally…two hours long) night, I went in as Caleb was waking up. He had been upstairs in the night because of the storm, but thankfully settled back into his bed when it was over. His first words to me were, Mom who’s home? After breakfast we were talking about something altogether different and he asked where something took place. I reminded him that the thing he was thinking about happened when we were in PA in the Fall. He said, was that before my Brother got sick? Yes, dear when life was more “normal.” Then he said, that’s when you were happy Mama. Oh my heart sank, just that he even has those thoughts! But by God’s grace we talked about it being ok to sometimes be sad. After not getting out of the hospital Monday night as thought, Alex picked up Chinese food for he and Joshua for dinner (a comfort food to us all!). Alex’s fortune said something about not rushing through life, but sitting and enjoying it. So.Many.Lessons!!!!

The good news is that Joshua made it home this afternoon! Click here to see a video Alex did as an update, if you'd like more information: Joshua Update June 27, 2023

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We were on schedule to return for bloodwork Tuesday morning followed by admission for round 4, but then last night a fever popped up.

After dinner we noticed Joshua was a bit flushed, took his temp and it was questionable. Took it again about 45 minutes later and it was still concerning. We called the doc on call and were told to bring him in. After a long night in the ER, they were brought to a room around 1:45am. His fever was off and on all night and has been during the day today as well. They've done a few tests and have ruled some things out, but are waiting on some blood cultures for possible answers.

Below are links to two video updates Alex has done, feel free to watch them for more details. If you don't usually get the video updates or see the facebook video updates, you can still view them by clicking to open the link and if it asks you to sign into facebook to view, just say cancel and it will still allow you to watch the video. If you have trouble hearing the update, check the bottom right of your scene to make sure your video is not muted or turned low.

Thank you all for your prayers! We will keep you all posted as we are able, feel free to message or email as well. We will respond as we are able.

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Around 5:15pm yesterday (Tuesday) we got the ok to start packing up to head home from round 3! Alex and Joshua were at the hospital, and Caleb and I were at my mom's about 45 minutes away. We packed up and headed off to pick them up. We got stuck in a bit of traffic, and got to them about 6:20, they were waiting for us and we loaded the car and headed for home. We had all had a full day, but were so glad to be home. Caleb got a cat nap on the way to get them, so by the time we got home and ate some dinner he was getting his second wind. We unpacked and washed some clothes and finally got them in bed by 9ish, I think. We were all beat, but under one roof! Today (Wednesday) we tried to settle back in to some sort of routine, we find there is rarely a real routine. There was some exercising, and some school, and some LEGO. All in all a good day. Due to getting in late yesterday, and today getting away from us Alex did not do a video this time. I am tired after a full day and don't have much inspiration to share, but wanted to thank everyone who has been so faithful praying for Joshua and our family. Tomorrow he has a clinic check around 9 that will include bloodwork to check his various levels. We are praying he will not need any transfusions, if so we will be there most of the day, but if he needs them he needs them. He will also get a needed immunotherapy shot, you can be praying for that. The medicine kind of stings so he's not looking forward to that. A blessing from today was that when I went to pay a few bills, I found out a few of them had been written off by the company. No explanation was given. I was very thankful! Would you also be praying for my health, I feel like I might be finally getting the cold that everyone else has shared around. Thank you again for all your prayers and encouragement to us. Two weeks out, one week in, and two more weeks out. We "think" that is the plan at this point!

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Alex & Bethany Tandon are sent out of
Calvary Baptist Church

1380 S. Valley Forge Road

Lansdale, PA 19446

215-368-4444 |

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