Hello friends,
In an effort to streamline our updates and cut down on expenses we are moving back to Wordpress for our blogs/website info.
It is still a work in progress, but this post is just for those of you who have been receiving update via blog post notifications. Over the next week or so, I'll be moving your email address to our mailchimp email list and you'll receive update emails via that service.
Sometimes email servers think mailchimp emails are spam, so if the updates show up in your spam folder, please mark them "not spam" to help them get to the correct place next time.
If you no longer prefer to receive updates from us (no offense taken if so), please unsubscribe or let me know directly. I'm happy to take you off the list, no questions asked.
If you'd like to receive information at a different email address, you can also feel free to let me know that as well.
As always, we thank you for your interest in the ministry the Lord has us involved in here in South Africa and look forward to keeping you up to date on it all.
