For anyone who spends any length of time with the Tandon family, you’ll quickly realize that we have a chatterbox and three more quieter sorts. The chatterbox starts talking the moment he wakes up, and sometimes even talks in his sleep. To think that there were days when we were concerned if he would speak or not. I think most 4 (as of this coming Monday) year olds go, being a chatterbox is normal.
As I, Bethany, get older I realize I’m more and more like my Dad. He could be interactive and chatty if he needed to be, but most often he was the quiet one. I did always say though, when he spoke, you should listen because it was something important. I don’t necessarily feel that way about myself though, just so you don’t think I’m blowing my own horn. I simply want to bring out the point that more and more I’m seeing the need for silence.
With all of the crazy of the past six months, we have all been operating at breakneck speed. Our minds and bodies have been on a rollercoaster ride that has not let up. However, the past week I think we’ve kind of seen the evidence that we are starting to slow down. Trying to get some normal back. I’m noticing that there are certain noises that really put me on edge, silly things like the sink running at full open. There is something about the sound of the water gushing from the faucet that makes me want to scream, then there is the sound of LEGO being sorted. How is it, that no one has figured out how to make quiet LEGO????
I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have us all back home together, but boy do I sometimes need some silence. Today I’m getting a taste of that. A friend is away and her house is empty so I’m sitting here catching up on things, in the quiet sunlight of the day. It’s a joy. It’s a refreshment. It is oh so needed.
The last few nights I get in bed, we turn the light out and then instead of falling to sleep, my brain just turns on. Sorting out everything from washing clothes to fixing dinner. I have to make an effort to remind myself to stop thinking. Anyone else feel like that? I’m sure I am not alone!
In the silence of this morning, my mind has gone to the scripture that tells us to Be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). The Lord will fight for me, I must only be silent (Exodus 14:14). Rest in the Lord, wait patiently for Him (Psalm 37:7). Reminders that Jesus stepped away to be silent and think, in the wilderness, on the mountain, he slept peacefully during a storm even. I’m so thankful for these reminders.
I’m thankful for the grace and strength that has brought us through the loud and crazy of the past few months, I’m thankful for how we’ve seen His hand at work in each of our lives. I’m thankful that at present we have hope that this season is turning a corner. I’m thankful for the silence today to reflect, but also to prepare for the days ahead.
We have a busy weekend and week next week, unless the Lord changes things up…which can happen! Sunday Alex is preaching (10am Awaken 171 Newland Road, Columbia SC) then we will have some lunch with available family to celebrate the aforementioned chatterbox’s birthday. Monday bright and early we start the day seeing some dear friends we did not think we’d get to see this summer, followed by a clinic visit for Joshua and an afternoon MRI/CT to do what we pray is a final post chemo check (for now, I’m guessing) to make sure that nasty cancer is gone. Tuesday, if all is going well we will take a bit of a road trip to see some other dear friends and spend a few days together before hitting the road back again for a clinic appointment Friday. Lots going on, but this brief silence is a gift to prepare my mind and heart for the good crazy ahead.
At present, we don’t know exactly what the road map of Joshua’s follow up care is going to look like. We covet your prayers for the doctors as they make decisions about when his Broviac can come out and when the next follow ups need to be scheduled. We are again, so very thankful for the care that we have received these last months. These medical professionals are such a gift, as are so many of you who have faithfully prayed for us and we know you continue to do so! We might not aways get to say thank you individually, but we are so thankful!